Sunday, August 29, 2010


1. Make sure you are in a right environment - It is important for your
surroundings to be quiet as you focus on your inner thoughts.
This is to enable you to think better without any distractions.
2. Honesty is the best policy - Be 100% honest with yourself. There is no way you are going to learn anything or make any improvements if you do not admit to your weakness.
3. Write it down immediately - There is no point in just thinking about it and not recording it down somewhere.After a reflection, there should be a follow-up action.
4. Analyse what you have written - Take a look at what you have written. Think about how you could improve. Talk to a friend whom you can trust about it if you do not have a ready solution.
5. Action speaks louder than words - There is no point of having a plan when there is no action.


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